06 May 2024
With 45% of Africa’s population living more than 10 km away from any fibre-optic network infrastructure, satellite communications offer reliable and secure coverage to take advantage of opportunities for digitalisation. In the humanitarian sector, satellite communications contribute considerably to relief efforts in areas without reliable cellular service – from portable connectivity kits for first responders and drone surveillance to coordination of food distribution and e-learning programmes. The implementation of new LEO systems in Africa has the potential to revolutionise humanitarian relief efforts by providing advanced connectivity for real-time data collection, remote sensing capabilities, digital healthcare support, enhanced coordination, and improved logistics. Moreover, today LEO connectivity enables field missions in Africa to operate like remote offices. And the impact goes far beyond increased operational efficiency. Humanitarian stations can become connectivity hubs that extend the benefits of digitalisation to remote areas. From mobile clinics to e-school services and legal consultation centres to remote expert guidance opportunities, enabled by connectivity, the spectrum of accessible aid operations can increase exponentially. Nabil Ben Soussia, Group CCO at IEC Telecom, sheds light on the role of satellite telecommunications in enabling new social services in underserved communities in Africa in THIS ARTICLE.