Humanitarian sector in Africa: LEO systems enhance aid operations

Humanitarian sector in Africa: LEO systems enhance aid operations

20 Oct 2023

With 45% of Africa’s population living more than 10km away from any fibre-optic network infrastructure, satellite communications offer reliable and secure coverage to take advantage of opportunities for digitalisation. In the humanitarian sector, satellite communications contribute considerably to relief efforts in areas without reliable cellular service – from portable connectivity kits for first responders and drone surveillance to coordination of food distribution and e-learning programmes. In a conversation with African Wireless, Erwan Emilian, CEO and Partner, IEC Telecom Group, said, “The advent of LEO connectivity solutions enables improved access to aid services even in the most remote parts of Africa. Moreover, field missions in Africa can become ‘connectivity hubs’ that extend the benefits of digitalisation to remote areas. By enabling new social services for underserved communities in Africa, NGOs and IGOs help remote communities to access resources previously reserved for urban citizens, spreading equality, and boosting economic development.” Read more about how LEO-based solutions are well-positioned to unlock the growth and development opportunities in African communities in the article below:



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