11 Apr 2018
On 10 April 2018 in Paris Yves Emilian, IEC Telecom Founder and President, was sharing company`s experience of operations on Kazakhstan market during The 6th Meeting of Kazakhstan in Paris, French Seminar and Business Forum. The event was designed as an opportunity for businessmen from France to unlock the possibilities of Caspian region, to start or extend their enterprises in Kazakhstan, to find and to deepen partnerships with local businesses.
Since 2013 IEC Telecom Kazakhstan has been operating in this region and becoming an influential player on the telecom market of Kazakhstan. Mr. Emilian was invited to the meeting to share the expertise about the market, including about Caspian region business opportunities and region`s strategic importance. Yves Emilian provided his authoritative opinion on the “Reality of business in Kazakhstan” round table discussion. He mentioned, that the company has been observing fast growth of overall economy of the country, including expanding of industries like maritime trade and shipping due to revitalization of Caspian region. Mr. Emilian also described the particularities of the region:
“Unlike in Europe, where the GSM coverage is widely spread, Kazakhstan still has a lot of areas where terrestrial operators are not available” – said Yves Emilian. “In IEC Telecom we believe that communication is a basic need, not a luxury. Our products and solutions help habitants of remote areas to stay connected to data and voice services, which bring a whole different level of educational opportunities, medical support and more.”
Mr. Emilian stressed that Kazakhstan market potentially makes up 18 million of customers. So IEC office in Almaty has a strategic importance for the group, and company is looking forward to further expanding of its presence in the Central Asian region.