09 Aug 2018
From 11 to 18 August in Kazakhstan will take place the hiking expedition of Campit. The adventure is organized with the aim of develop development in Kazakhstan region. To keep adventurers safe and provide them with connection during the expedition, IEC Telecom has provided its best satellite solutions.
Campit has been organizing hiking adventures, expeditions, and tours since 2015, attracting more and more tourists to Kazakhstan every year. The route of the new trip will run through the mountains, where cellular and terrestrial networks are normally not available. That means satellite connectivity will play a vital role for the participants. To stay safe, be in touch with families and share photos in social media, expeditors will use satellite phone Thuraya XT and two modems Thuraya IP+ provided by IEC Telecom.
“Kazakhstan is one of the most beautiful countries in the world and still it is very underestimated among the tourists. IEC Telecom has the office in Almaty, so we do know very well about the amazing nature of this region, – says Nabil Ben Soussia, Managing Director, IEC Telecom Middle East & Kazakhstan. – Such wonderful companies as Campit help to attract the tourists in Kazakhstan. IEC Telecom considers supporting them and providing with satellite connectivity as its duty, and we are proud to make a valuable input into the country popularization.”