10 Apr 2018
March 26, 2018 – Maxut Zhumayev, a well-known Kazakhstani mountaineer, goes on the expedition to the Mount Everest. It is going to be the second time athlete climbs the Earth’s highest mountain. This year mountaineering and extreme sports fans can become a part of the ascent history and join the expedition online. The voice and Internet connectivity equipment will be provided by IEC Telecom.
Climbing mountain peaks is his passion and calling. Maxut Zhumayev, a Kazakhstani athlete, is engaged in mountaineering for about 20 years and already managed to climb all the “eight-thousanders”. But Maxut sets his sights on a bigger fish. The mountaineer goal is to accomplish the task of “seven summits”, to climb the highest mountains on each of seven continents, without using oxygen equipment. In 2007, Maxut was already climbing Everest from the north, from the China side. On 14 April during the new 45-day expedition Jumaev will repeat his ascent again, but this time from Nepal.
Memorable detail of this expedition is that it is going to be online broadcasted. Maxut Zhumayev plans to actively upload photos and stories to social media and expedition website, to chat in messengers and to go live. Athlete`s technical support and necessary equipment was provided by IEC Telecom, one of the leading global providers of managed network communication solutions.
“We are pleased to provide equipment for Maxut Zhumayev`s expedition to the Mount Everest. Extreme sports and critically low temperatures always challenge people and equipment,” says Nabil Ben Soussia, Managing Director at IEC Telecom in Middle East and Kazakhstan. “Our solutions are designed for such complex tasks and it will help the mountaineer to be always connected, to report on his travel and to broadcast his expedition online.”
During the expedition Maxut Zhumayev will use Thuraya IP + satellite terminal and Thuraya XTsatellite phone. These devices will allow athlete to stay in touch with his family all 45 days of his expedition, to call, to send e-mails or messages in social networks. To do this, IEC Telecom will provide Thuraya Postpaid SIM and will give to mountaineer 250 minutes for conversations. THURAYA IP + satellite terminal with unlimited Internet access will provide uninterrupted entry to the network and high-speed data transfer to broadcast expedition online even at an altitude of more than 8 thousand meters above sea level.
Thanks to this equipment, everyone will be able to join the expedition online on IEC Telecom website and company`s social networks, as well as on Maxut Zhumayev`s Facebook page and by following the #Everest8848 hashtag.
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