19 Mar 2020
With approximately 50,000 small boats in the Gulf region, the demand for new and innovative communications solutions is undeniable. Satcom technology offers a myriad of benefits for all parties involved. With a fixed terminal on each vessel, the crew can report the vessel performance in real-time and receive vessel owner directions around the clock. Reliable connectivity may also enable access to a whole new range of data and increase the efficiency of local governing bodies, including traffic control, maritime safety measures, fishing controls, and more. “Technology has evolved dramatically in the past 10 years. Solutions like Thuraya MarineStar can support the communication needs of the entire crew that services a vessel, be flexible to the access and cost considerations of individual crew members, and all this for the cost of a single smartphone,” says Nabil Ben Soussia, VP – Maritime, IEC Telecom Group. Satellite communication technology also empowers crews with new standards of welfare. With millennials joining the workforce, a communication welfare program is a major consideration for talent attraction and retention strategies.