19 Jul 2018
From 18 to 29 of July IEC Telecom supports the expedition to the Northern Tian-Shan. The explorers will stay connected where cellular and terrestrial networks are not available while enjoying the spectacular views of Kazakhstan nature, discovering history and culture.
12-day Eco Tour has gathered guides, tour-operators, Kazakhstani and foreign travel-bloggers, journalists, photographers, video-operators and other adventure tours specialists. The tour members will collect materials for maps, prepare videos and pictures to contribute the popularity of the Kazakhstani tourism. Thanks to equipment powered by Thuraya and provided by IEC Telecom the tour’s team will stay connected throughout all the journey. For voice and data services they will be using Thuraya XT Lite satellite phone and Thuraya IP+ terminal.
“We are happy to provide the members of Eco Tour with best-in-class satellite equipment to make their trip comfortable, safe and efficient, – says Nabil Ben Soussia, Managing Director, IEC Telecom Middle-East and Kazakhstan. “IEC Telecom is always open to support journalists, sportsmen, scientists and other people, whose hard, but very important work expects the need of satellite communications.”